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Maps and Views
Maps and Views
1895 Map of California
Oversized (1700 x 2468 pixels), detailed, colorful map of the entire state, by Rand McNally.
Average Annual Precipitation
California map showing annual precipitation averaged over the period 1961-1990.
California Coastal Records Project
Includes over 12,000 aerial photographs of the coastline.
California Gallery of Images
3-D perspective views based on elevation data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour. Image gallery and interpretation.
California Map
A basic map from the National Geographic Society, designed to be easily duplicated for classroom use. Available in two versions, one with city names and one without.
California Map Collection
At the Perry-Casta?eda Library, found at the University of Texas at Austin.
California Map Collection at UC Berkeley
The university's online collection contains approximately 200 maps of areas in California. Most are pre-20th Century.
California Maps in pdf Format
Offers a choice of 7 versions of state map. Choices allow combinations of county outlines, county names, b/w, color, and shaded relief.
Color Landform Atlas
Includes three shaded relief maps of California and Nevada. The one titled 'Shaded relief map' is in color with the state outlines added. 'County map' is similar, with county outlines added. 'Black and white map' shows only the state outlines.
Counties of California
Census Bureau map showing outlines and names of all 58 counties.
Counties of California
Map from California State Association of Counties also provides links to county Websites.
Counties of California
Maps showing outlines of the state's counties, offering choices of color or black-and-white, as well as with or without county names.
Digital Atlas of California
Includes maps showing population, citizenship, income, poverty, and education.
Environmental Maps
User chooses from several base maps and adds desired layers. Available layers include cities, highways, rivers, and other administrative, hydrological, biogeographical, and biological features.
Highway System Area Maps
Showing current road conditions for California highways.
Historic Photos and Maps
Aerial and ground photographs of highway construction and design from 1926 to present. Also list of links to maps.
Historical Map of California Gold Regions, 1849
A map made in London during the California Gold Rush. It puts California into context by showing the area to the east as far as Great Salt Lake.
Historical Map of California, c. 1883
A map showing relief by hachures, drainage, cities and towns, counties, roads, and railroads. Claims to show every railroad station and post office in the state.
Historical Map of the California Gold Regions, 1851
A color map showing most of the state.
Historical Map Promoting Bicycling
An 1895 shaded relief map showing recommended roads for bicycling in California. Ads from bicycling companies form a border surrounding the map.
Historical Map with California Shown as an Island
A pen-and-ink and watercolor map circa 1650. The 'island' includes both California and Mexico's Baja California.
Historical Pictorial Map
An 1888 map promoting the state, published by the Southern Pacific Company and the State Board of Trade of California.
Indian Reservations in California
A map showing the locations of Indian tribal lands.
Indian Tribes in California
Reservation and tribal information. Includes map of locations, information on tribes, and links to tribal Web sites.
Legacy: Landscape Connection Maps
Find online maps providing information on environmental protection and restoration efforts in the Klamath Eco-region and other areas of California.
Map of the State of California
Scanned highway map. Publisher and date not given. A large file of 1072x1832 pixels and 392k.
Off-Highway-Vehicle Riding Areas
California map with locations and information about riding areas for dune buggies, motorcycles, four wheel drives, all-terrain vehicles, and snowmobiles.
Political Districts of California
Maps showing Congressional, State Senate, and State Assembly districts.
Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada
Maps and detailed information about recent earthquakes from the U. S. Geological Survey.
Road Map with Points of Interest
Map in pdf format from the California Division of Tourism shows freeways, state routes, and visitor attractions.
Satellite Image of California
This image is dated August 1996. Clicking on the image brings up a full size view. At the bottom of the page, clicking on 'Understanding the images' takes user to a detailed discussion of the image and how it was made.
Topographic Maps of California
USGS 7.5 minute maps at resolutions of 25 and 100 dpi. Higher resolution versions offered for sale.
Volcano Area Maps
An extensive set of maps and graphics from the USGS.
World Sites Atlas - Hotel and Road Map of California
A compact map showing interstate and U.S. highways plus major cities and towns.